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What is an oral history?
An oral history is the recording of personal testimony delivered in oral (and sometimes visual) form. Oral histories are an important asset to the City of Huntington Beach. Everyone has a story to share, and oral histories help fill in the gaps, giving voice to those who may not always be heard through traditional artifact collections or historic preservation.
Oral histories, however, are not fact; they are memories. Memories provide insight into alternative perspectives, ideas, feelings, and doubts about people, places, and events. They are a product of the present and not the past. With memories, there are no right or wrong answers! LEARN MORE
Property Research
Historic property research relies on Block and Lot numbers. They are the basic identifiers of real property, traceable throughout its developed history. Assessor’s parcel numbers remain tools for tax administration, rarely mentioned in deeds. Addresses were often irrelevant in early years as some residents were serviced via rural route mail delivery or preferred picking up their mail “in town.” Too, addresses changed over time as buildings were renumbered, streets were renamed or front doors were relocated to face a different road. LEARN MORE.
Walking Tour.
Take a walking tour of Huntington Beach. Start at the pier and take your time visiting historic structures and locations where the Golden Bear, a nightclub in Huntington Beach, California from 1923 to 1986 hosted many well known bands and singers from the 1960’s and 1970’s including Dizzy Gillespie, the Byrds, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Linda Ronstadt, Blondie, the Ramones, Neil Young, Van Halen, Eric Burdon, B.B. King, Bonnie Raitt and Peter Gabriel. Comedians Robin Williams and Steve Martin also performed at the nightclub.
HRB Historic Property Plaque Program
Congratulations for being an owner of an historic house in Huntington Beach, and thank you for your interest in receiving a historical plaque endorsed by the City of Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board. The Historic House Plaque program provides an opportunity to invest owners of historic houses with pride, knowledge, and the ability to serve as conscious custodians of their house heritage. Plaques enhance the appearance of older homes while promoting community awareness of our local history. The plaques do not impose restrictions on properties.
What else we provide?
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Historic Resources Board is to encourage and promote programs and activities that enhance public awareness of historic resources. The Historic Resources Board acts as an advisory body to Huntington Beach City Council as well as a liaison to Council for local, state and federal groups and agencies whose interest involves historic issues
HB Book
Ebb & Flow – 100 years of Huntington Beach is a decade by decade look at the people and events that made the city a world class destination and a national treasure. Discover the city from its days as a sleepy cattle station in the days of the vaqueros to an industrial boomtown with the sixth largest oil discovery in the world, still pumping today. Marvel at how a city known for the world’s first and still largest international surf competition also built the rocket engine that put men on the moon! Ebb & Flow is an informative, readable tale of the history of Huntington Beach, highlighted with annotated historical photos. Essential reading for anyone who lives in or loves Surf City, USA. Get yours now! CLICK THE ICON on left to order the book on our secure site. Donation $15 includes shipping.
Oral History Project
An oral history is the recording of personal testimony delivered in oral (and sometimes visual) form. Oral histories are an important asset to the City of Huntington Beach. Everyone has a story to share, and oral histories help fill in the gaps, giving voice to those who may not always be heard through traditional artifact collections or historic preservation. Oral histories, however, are not fact; they are memories. Memories provide insight into alternative perspectives, ideas, feelings, and doubts about people, places, and events. They are a product of the present and not the past. With memories, there are no right or wrong answers! CLICK ICON ON LEFT TO LEARN MORE.
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View Some Historic Photos
Learn How to do Historic Research
Want to go on a walking tour of Huntington Beach?
About us
The Historic Resources Board was established in 1987 as an eleven member advisory board to Huntington Beach City Council providing guidance and support on matters pertaining to historic issues. The Board advises on issues of preservation of historic, commercial, and residential structures and sites, cooperating with city boards and commissions to insure that historic preservation and services are considered in the planning for future development of the community.
The Historic Resources Board also presents programs reflecting historical aspects of Huntington Beach. Walking Toursof the Downtown Historic Core and the Discovery Well Dedication panel discussion are among the programs organized and presented by the Board. In conjunction with the centennial celebration of the Fourth of July Parade, the Board presented Moments In Time: A 100 Year History of Huntington Beach in the galleries of the Huntington Beach Art Center.
Latest news
Historic Property Plaque
Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board Congratulations for being an owner of an historic house in Huntington Beach, and thank you for your interest in receiving a historical plaque endorsed by the City of Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board. The Historic House Plaque program provides an opportunity to invest owners of historic houses with pride, knowledge, […]
Ebb & Flow Historical Book
Ebb & Flow – 100 years of Huntington Beach is a decade by decade look at the people and events that made the city a world class destination and a national treasure. Discover the city from its days as a sleepy cattle station in the days of the vaqueros to an industrial boomtown with the […]
Alumni Picnic July 29
Alumni Picnic July 29th This is the yearly HBHS All Year Picnic at Lake Park, hosted by the HBHS Alumni Association! All year alumni are encouraged to attend and share your stories and yourselves with other year alumni. There will be a bbq. Come one, come all.
Vacancies In the event a member retires or is unable to complete his term, an appointment shall be made to fill the remainder of the unexpired term. To apply to become a member, please fill out the Boards & Commission Application. There is a current vacancy on the board. Click above for the application.