Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board
Congratulations for being an owner of an historic house in Huntington Beach, and thank you for your interest in receiving a historical plaque endorsed by the City of Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board. The Historic House Plaque program provides an opportunity to invest owners of historic houses with pride, knowledge, and the ability to serve as conscious custodians of their house heritage. Plaques enhance the appearance of older homes while promoting community awareness of our local history. The plaques do not impose restrictions on properties.
Before you may receive your plaque, you must first conduct research on your home. This may be a lengthy process to determine the history of your house and the original builder and occupant. HRB website has more information to help you:
The Historic Resources Board will determine if your house qualifies for an historic plaque.
If you have difficulty with the research, please contact us at: and we will provide assistance. When emailing HRB, please be sure to include the words “HRB Plaque” in your email subject line. Please email to:
The cost of the bronze 8” x 11” plaque is $225 and will be ready in about three weeks.
The plaque should be prominently placed where it is visible from the street.
When you have completed your research, mail your application, a $225.00 check payable to: Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board, and complete documentation of your property’s history to the City of Huntington Beach Planning Department, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA. If your application is not approved, your check will be returned.